Apart from hitting India with the Sennheiser IE800 premium earphones priced at Rs 54990, the company has also launched the HDVD 800 and the HDVA 600
Headphone amplifiers.The last two are pegged at Rs 119990 and Rs 159990, in that order. Don’t worry about people around you not knowing how much you paid for any of these audio peripherals, their looks match the prices attached to them.
The Sennheiser IE800 embeds dynamic linear-phase drivers with an extra wide band (XWB) transducer system boasting of being just 7mm in diameter. The earplugs are oval in shape so they don’t hurt your canals and the components that go into the holes in your melon include dampened two chamber absorbers (D2CA) as well as ceramic material for the housing.
You’re looking at a frequency response range of 8Hz to 41000Hz (-3dB) and impedance of 16 Ohms. These earphones string along a 1.1m copper cable, five pairs of ear adapters and a leather carrying case. The HDVD 800 and HDVA 600 feature gorgeous metal bodies and symmetrical signal processing to optimize sound quality.
You can expect symmetrical signal input to these amplifiers as also symmetrical signal output to be emitted by them. With regards to the HDVD 800, digital sources of audio can be hooked up to the rear of the device thanks to an XLR (AES/EBU) input, optical and coaxial (S/PDIF) digital inputs or USB.
Just in case you’re not as broke as us and claim to be an audiophile with expensive tastes, you can buy the Sennheiser IE800 or HDVD 800 or HDVA 600 from the officialcompany eStore.